Jaloreto & Associados aims to defend the interests of the Company, its Shareholders and Administrators in the criminal aspects, as well as in the interface with other areas of law. It has a team specializing in intelligence and investigations for the proper investigation of the facts and its repercussion in the judicialization of the matters entrusted to its confidence:
The Firm serves Business and Entrepreneurs when faced with situations related to, for example:
- Common crimes – embezzlement and other frauds.
- “White-collar” crimes – an expression used to characterize unlawful acts committed by entrepreneurs and executives in the exercise of their professional duties.
- Tax crimes – tax fraud and evasion.
- Crimes against the consumer – misleading advertising, tie-in sale, insufficient information.
- Crimes against the National Financial System – money laundering, illegal remittance of currency, emulation of banking activity.
- Crimes related to Bankruptcy and Judicial Recovery of companies.
- Environmental Crimes – tree felling, environmental pollution (soil, air, rivers, seas), trade of animals and natural resources, intervention in permanent preservation areas (APPs).
- Economic crimes – cartel formation, unfair competition, insider trading.
- Responsibility Crimes, practiced by Public Officials.
- Cyber crimes – illegal acts committed in the cyber environment, fraud in the digital environment.
- Insurance crimes – fraud, illegal operations.
- Frauds in Bids and Contracts with the Government.
- Crimes related to labor issues (occupational accidents, fraud against the labor legislation)
- Crimes against intellectual property – piracy, counterfeiting, copyright usurpation.